Collection: 4/26 - Gouache & Watercolor Koi Fish on Black Paper with Shirley B. Garrett, Psy.D

Here are Shirley's Recommended Supplies (Note: if you haven't signed up for the class yet, be sure to register here)

  • Stonehenge cold press black 140 lb, 8x10 paper
  • Gouache palette: white, yellow, orange, brown, sap green, dark green, blue, and black (Note: in the supply list provided below we've presented the option to get Holbein Gouache in 5 or 15ml sets, only 1 of the sets are needed)
  • FineTec Pearlescent colors: orange, white, and black
  • Bring your favorite brushes or grab one of the Staff Favorites for Gouache - Princeton SNAP!


In Store Pickup or Curb-side Pickup Only

Huntsville Art Supplies we keep overhead down to pass the savings to you.

On your next errand, drop by to pickup your order at Huntsville Art Supplies, The Happy Place!